We see you. We hear you.

Free, one to one, culturally appropriate talking therapy for Black people in the UK

Black Minds Matter UK is a registered charity connecting Black individuals and families with free 121 talking therapy delivered by qualified and accredited Black therapists.

Our network of therapists work tirelessly alongside us to break down stigma and redefine therapeutic experiences for Black individuals.

Our three pillars of impact are therapy, awareness raising through education and advocating for systems change in statutory services.

We are working towards a seeing a community of Black people readily accessing mental health support, recovering fully from mental illness and thriving.


Whilst therapy is a fantastic intervention, information about mental health is vital. Here you can access a wide range of resources to help you navigate this subject with confidence.

Find a therapist

Our service is free but we appreciate that some people may want access to a Black therapist and have the means to pay for it. Our team can help you find a therapist to suit your requirements.

Side view of black man with beard looking thoughtful, with a gold background
Smiling woman with her eyes closed stands in an urban street, smiling.

Frequently asked questions

We’ve collated some of our frequently asked questions. Take a look here for informatio that may be helpful.

Meet the team

Our dedicated team bring a wealth of expertise, experience, and unwavering commitment to our mission.

Black History Month 2024

Discover ‘Untold Stories’ a project by BMMUK

Research has shown that older members of the Black community who are struggling with their mental health will not actively seek help.

At Black Minds Matter UK, we understand the nuanced reasons why older Black people are less likely to seek help for their mental health. We also understand the impact that can be created when Black individuals are afforded a space to have their experiences heard. 

That’s why we’re launching ‘Untold Stories’, a project to honour the mental health experiences of our older family members and friends for Black History Month. 

“Mental health wasn’t spoken about the way it is now when I was growing up. I definitely went through my own struggles, but sharing them was never an option. That would have been seen as airing out your dirty laundry and bringing shame to the family. So instead I just ignored it”- David, London, 72

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